“Diversifying your feed” is about so much more than checking off a box. It’s about listening to voices with experiences, concerns, ideas, inspirations, and joys different from your own and those with stories and perspectives that do not get enough attention (if any) from mainstream media or even smaller media platforms.
These inspiring influencers, creatives, and thought-leaders offer an essential perspective in the sustainable fashion and environmentalism movements. It’s crucial that as we work towards progress in sustainability, the fashion industry, etc. the solutions we seek are intersectional, and do not leave behind those who have been traditionally marginalized in society.
One step of many that we can make is to prioritize listening to BIPOC (an acronym for Black, Indigenous, Person of Color) voices, through the media we consume and the content we see on our social media feeds. The list below is a list to get you started or help you continue listening to BIPOC on social media.
Beyond listening and following, be sure to support in other ways as well — liking, commenting, sharing, purchasing through their affiliate links when you need something, and donating via PayPal, Patreon, etc. are all ways to do this.
If you own a brand or manage partnerships for a brand, I hope this list will also be a resource for you in seeking out BIPOC influencers for your campaigns!
This list is not exhaustive, and I definitely would love your suggestions! Please email me if there are any BIPOC influencers that you’d add to this list. And if you are a BIPOC influencer in the sustainable fashion and lifestyle space, also please email me if you’d like to be added!
Ethical and Sustainable Fashion

Instagram: @abolajiooo
Topics: Ethical, secondhand, and handmade fashion
Aditi Mayer
Instagram: @aditimayer | Blog: Adimay
Topics: Sustainable fashion, social justice
Aja Barber
Instagram: @ajabarber
Topics: Ethical and sustainable fashion
Support: Aja Barber on Patreon
Instagram: @styleand.sustain | Blog: Style & Sustain
Topics: conscious and sustainable fashion
Ana Fernanda Covarrubias
Instagram: @the_second_runway
Topics: sustainable and secondhand style, upcycled fashion
Instagram: @biancaffoley | Podcast: Sustainably Influenced
Topics: mid-sized fashion, sustainable fashion
Benita Robledo
Instagram: @benita_robledo | Blog: Compassion Fashion
Topics: Ethical fashion, thrifting
Instagram: @ethicallycurated
Topics: Ethical and fair trade fashion
Candice Tay
Instagram: @candicemtay | Blog: Candice Tay
Topics: Slow fashion, minimalism, sustainable living
Cat Chiang
Instagram: @cookiecat.herine | Blog: Restitchstance
Topics: Slow and ethical fashion, feminism, books

Charlotte Williams
Instagram: @charlottesevensix | Podcast: Sustainably Influenced | Business: SevenSix Agency (diversity-focused influencer marketing agency)
Topics: eco fashion, sustainable living
Danielle Alvarado
Instagram: @sustainablykindliving | Blog: Sustainably Kind Living | Pinterest: Sustainably Kind Living
Topics: sustainable fashion, zero waste, eco-friendly family
Diandra Marizet
Instagram: @diandramarizet
Topics: environmentalism, sustainable fashion and lifestyle

Dominique Drakeford
Instagram: @dominiquedrakeford | Blog/Platform: MelaninASS
Topics: Sustainable style, gardening
Support: Venmo @Dominique-Drakeford
Emi Ito
Instagram: @little_kotos_closet | Founder and Co-Moderator of Buy From BIPOC
Topics: Sustainable, ethical, and slow fashion
Emma Slade Edmondson
Instagram: @emsladedmondson | Site/Portfolio: Emma Slade Edmondson
Topics: Sustainable and secondhand fashion
Eurosia M.
Instagram: @sercrespa
Topics: Sustainable and ethical fashion
Gabriela Sage
Instagram: @gabrielasage
Topics: Slow fashion, low waste living, mental health
Hosannah E Jønsson
Instagram: @fashthrifts
Topics: Secondhand fashion, slow fashion
Jazmin Vega
Instagram: @jazminvegaz
Topics: Sustainable, vibrant style
Jazmine Rogers
Instagram: @thatcurlytop
Topics: Ethical and sustainable fashion, Eco living

Instagram: @ecological.ly | Blog: Ecological.ly
Topics: Sustainable lifestyle, low waste, conscious fashion
Jessica Harumi
Instagram: @jessica.harumi | YouTube: Jessica Harumi| Blog: Jessica Harumi
Topics: Minimalism, capsule wardrobe, slow fashion
Instagram: @theflippside
Topics: Slow fashion
Instagram: @pumulokasaji
Topics: Sustainable and secondhand fashion, green living
Masego Morgan
Instagram: @coconut_cracked
Topics: Ethical and inclusive fashion
Mayette Raisa
Instagram: @mayetteraisa
Topics: Slow fashion, clean beauty
Miriam Vega
Instagram: @miriam.vegac
Topics: Sustainable and vintage fashion
Monica Nguyen
Instagram: @chic_education
Topics: Sustainable fashion, vintage

Natalie Shehata
Instagram: @nattystylist | Platform: Tommie Magazine
Topics: Sustainable and ethical fashion, social justice
Nerrissa Mareeh
Instagram: @msnerriss
Topics: sustainable fashion and lifestyle, clean beauty
Instagram: @secretly_thrifted | Poshmark: Secretly Thrifted
Topics: Secondhand fashion
Instagram: @latina.minimalista
Topics: Minimalism, capsule wardrobe, slow fashion
Instagram: @mspaulapresents | Blog: Ms Paula Presents
Topics: ethical, vintage, and secondhand fashion; eco living
Instagram: @callmeflowerchild
Topics: Conscious fashion with a focus on secondhand, low waste living
Instagram: @iam_samata
Topics: Ethical and sustainable fashion; Samata is the CEO of Red Carpet Green Dress
Stella Hertantyo
Instagram: @stella_hertantyo
Topics: Sustainable and ethical fashion
Instagram: @i.thrift.shit
Topics: secondhand and sustainable fashion
Instagram: @sustainablystylish
Topics: Conscious lifestyle, sustainable fashion
Tyler Chanel
Instagram: @thriftsandtangles
Blog: Thrifts + Tangles
Topics: Sustainable and natural living, secondhand fashion
Instagram: @soulful_seeds
Topics: Sustainable lifestyle and fashion, inclusive environmentalism
Eco Lifestyle and Environmentalism

Addie Fisher
Instagram: @oldworldnew | Blog: Old World New
Topics: Sustainable lifestyle, slow/intentional living
Instagram: @alysonsimplygrows
Topics: Simple/slow living, homesteading, herbalism
Antónia Mussache
Instagram: @she.is.awake | Blog: She is Awake
Topics: Sustainability, slow living
Ashley Renne
Instagram: @heyashleyrenne | YouTube: Hey Ashley Renne | Blog: Travel Lushes
Topics: Vegan, eco lifestyle and travel
Instagram: @simpleishliving
Support: Simple(ish) Living on Patreon
Topics: Eco and minimalistic living
Instagram: @zerowastecutie | YouTube: Zero Waste Cutie
Support: Zero Waste Cutie on Patreon
Topics: Zero waste tips, eco lifestyle, environmental justice
Helena Chang
Instagram: @heeheeslookbook
Topics: intersectional environmentalism, sustainable lifestyle
Instagram: @indyofficinalis
Support: Indy-Srinath on Venmo
Topics: Farming and foraging
Isaias Hernandez
Instagram: @queerbrownvegan | Blog: Queer Brown Vegan
Topics: Environmental activism and justice; accessible environmental educational resources

Instagram: @jhanneu | YouTube: JHÁNNEU
Topics: Low waste eco-friendly lifestyle, beauty, and fashion
Jihea Kim
Instagram: @ecolifechoices
Topics: Low impact lifestyle, mindfulness, slow fashion
Kaméa Chayne
Instagram: @kameachayne | Podcast: Green Dreamer Podcast
Support: Green Dreamer on Patreon
Topics: Regeneration, intersectional sustainability
Katy Ho
Instagram: @mskatyho | Platform: Attire Media
Topics: Eco living and environmentalism, conscious fashion
Kayla Shivana
Instagram: @kaylashivana | Blog: Green Contours
Topics: Cruelty-free beauty and lifestyle
Kristy Drutman
Instagram: @browngirl_green | Podcast: Brown Girl Green | Blog: Brown Girl Green
Support: @Brown-Girl-Green on Venmo
Topics: Climate action, racial and environmental justice
Laura Diez
Instagram: @lauraediez | Podcast: Eco Chic Podcast
Topics: Sustainability, climate science and activism
Lauren Ritchie
Instagram: @laurenaritchie | Blog: The Eco Gal
Support: Lauren Ritchie on PayPal
Topics: Climate activism, eco living
Leah Thomas
Instagram: @greengirlleah | Organization: Intersectional Environmentalist
Topics: Intersectional environmentalism, eco living and fashion

Marie Beecham
Instagram: @wastefreemarie
Support: Waste Free Marie on Patreon
Topics: Climate and racial justice, eco living
Maya Penn
Instagram: @mayasideas | Blog: Maya’s Ideas
Topics: Eco activism, sustainable fashion and lifestyle
Mikaela Loach
Instagram @mikaelaloach | Podcast: The Yikes Podcast
Support: Mikaela Loach on PayPal and The Yikes Podcast on Patreon
Topics: Climate justice, antiracism activism, inclusive sustainability
Nellie Ellaine
Instagram: @mutave_nellie | Blog: On The Go Explorers
Topics: Conscious living, ethical and sustainable travel
Sophia Roe
Instagram: @sophia_roe | Site/Portfolio: IAmSophiaRoe.com
Topics: Healthy cooking and wellness
Instagram: @sustainablystudious
Topics: Zero waste living, veganism
Tiffany Alex
Instagram: @tiffanyalex_ | Store: Almu
Topics: Sustainable living and wellness
Vanessa Campitelli Frey
Instagram: @vancampi | Blog: More Than A Lifestyle